
everything i've learned in regards to html/css/js, i've nit picked them through these sites;
i've also included a couple extra sites & tools that you might find fun.

  • w3schools
    w3school is the back-bone for most of my html, css & js. everything i've learned has been supplemented by this amazing coding index.

  • sadgrl site
    another wicked website thats assisted w/ learning coding, they have a large webmastery of several useful tools. including their own layout maker!

  • freecodecamp
    freecodecamp is a massive index for learning coding; i recommend this specific course, which provides hands on learning on html/css and a touch of js. learning how to code can become an information overload; so i used this site to practice & have easily applied it to my own projects.

  • learnlayout
    this site teaches the css fundamentals that are used in any website's layout. provides visual learning, and the code that follows it.

  • codepen
    codepen is a huge online community for html/css/js, you learn here, find inspiration, and also upload all of your projects here. has a really cool testing-range as well; so you can play around with your code.

  • brackets
    brackets is a source code editor, that allows the user to code & have a live preview in their respective browser. works in chrome/firefox/edge. i use this over the built in source code editor in neos; since i dont have to constantly save & refresh for every change i make. did i mention its free?

  • jquery
    various jQuery plugins and tutorials

  • extra additions

    i use ALL of these; minus cbox since i do favor chattable.

  • fc2 counter
    want to display how many hits your website has garnered? this f2u site is good for that.

  • guestbook
    a neat site used for people to leave comments!

  • chattable
    a chat display that uses iframes, you can customize this one with styles & create multiple chats. also f2u

  • cbox
    another chat box, that's mostly f2u with paid for features. this one can be styled as well.

  • removebg - png maker
    this site allows you to quickly create a png, removes the background of any image. the quality of the image does matter to make sure its accurate & precise. i use this frequently; since doing it in photoshop is tedious ;_;

  • sadgrl - button maker
    another sadgrl mention!! this will help you make 88x31. also helps with quick mockups.

  • fun stuff

    more coming soon...

  • webneko
    want a little guy to follow your mouse around on your website? this site will grant you that ability.

  • 90s cursor effects
    a collective of cool cursor/pointer effects;

  • mf2fm - js/dhtml
    another cursor/graphic effects site. collective of old special effects; mouse effects, text effects & graphic animations. they're f2u & not too heavy, as long if you dont stack too many at once.

  • css hover effects
    this site includes special effects you can add to your buttons, text, borders, etc.

  • gifypet
    want your own interactive pet? this website gives you that. you can customize your pet & have it displayed directly onto your site.

  • wordart
    this site helps you create fancy word art.